Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Difference b/w Procedural and Non-procedural Languages :

Difference b/w Procedural and Non-procedural Languages :

Procedural Languages / 3GL :

  1. Procedural language tells the computer what to do and how to do.
  2. It is difficult to learn.
  3. It is difficult to debug.
  4. It requires large number of procedural instructions.
  5. It is normally used by professional programmers.
  6. It is typically file-oriented.
  7. Procedural language provides many programming capabilities.

Non-procedural Languages / 4GL :

  1. Non-procedural language tells the computer what to do, not how to do.
  2. It is easy to learn.
  3. It is easy to debug.
  4. It requires a few number of non-procedural instructions.
  5. It can be used professional and non-technical users.
  6. It is typically database-oriented.
  7. Non-procedural language provides less programming capabilities.

Mostly Languages Used :